Manager’s Messages
Love to Play
The Board of Directors of Seabridge Village Master would like to take this opportunity to inform you of some recent concerns with the use of the tennis courts.
First and foremost, the tennis courts are to be used only for tennis. Sports such as pickle ball, soccer, kickball are not permitted. Conveyances such as bikes, scooters, and skates/roller blades, are strictly not permitted on the tennis courts at any time. To this tall list of we must add pets. The activities mentioned above, pets, and the use of conveyances will cause damage to the courts and nets.
The Board would also like to remind our Membership that the tennis courts are available for your daily enjoyment from the hours of 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The tennis court light will automatically turn off at 10:00 p.m. Once the lights are off, please do not remain in the court areas to ensure your safety.
In addition, the tennis courts, as you may be aware, are in very close proximity of residential units. As a courtesy to area residents, we ask that while enjoying the game of tennis with your tennis partner(s), please be aware of your level of excitement, so as to not disturb our area neighbors who are enjoying the fresh Huntington Beach breeze from within their homes.
Lastly, help us keep the courts clean! Refrain from bringing food and beverages, other than water, into the courts, and dispose of trash in the trash bin. Do not bring any kind of outdoor furnishing to the tennis courts. The only permitted equipment is to play game of tennis.
Thank you for taking a few minutes to read this message. If your unit is a rental, please provide this information to your tenants as we want to make sure that everyone is well informed. Your interest in our community is appreciated.
Board of Directors
Go Green
Did you know you can sign up to have important Association documents sent to you via email rather than mail? If you would like to take advantage of this option, please sign into the Resident Portal at and follow the following steps:
• Click on the yellow pencil icon next to “Consent For Email Distribution” listed under “Property Information” on the dashboard
• Click “Yes” on the pop-up regarding Email Consent to consent to email delivery of all documents that the Association regularly publishes as specified in the California Civil Code
You can also sign up to receive e-statements rather than receiving paper statements each month in the mail on the Resident Portal. To sign up for e-statements:
• On the Resident Portal Dashboard, click on the green button next to “You are not signed up for e-statements” that says “Sign Up Today!”
• Verify your email address and click “Subscribe”
Thank you for contributing to the Association’s efforts to reduce paper and the costs associated with mailing documents.
Community Assistance
Need Community Assistance, have a question, concern, comments or request? Please visit
You can login to your Resident Portal to open a service request, view community documents or view/pay your monthly assessment.
If you need to contact our office we have introduced a new chat feature to efficiently and effectively address most concerns within a fraction of the time it takes to call or send an email inquiry.
Annual Meeting of the Members
The Annual Meeting of the Members is schedule on Tuesday, March 22, 2022. The meeting will be held via Zoom at 6:30 p.m. Please be sure to completed your ballot and mail in the envelope provided no later than 5:00 p.m. on March 21, 2022
Please join Zoom at at 6:30 PM
Meeting ID: 94144610685 – Password: 842166
Or Call In to: (213) 338-8477
For technical assistance before and during the meeting, call (949) 450-4388
or email
Members may request individual notice of meetings by making the request in writing to management.
The Adams Exit Gate is NOT an Entrance
We would like all residents to be aware that the exit gate at Adams is not to used to access the community at any time. It is extremely dangerous for any driver to take the risk of entering the community in the wrong direction, and potentially causing a serious accident or injury to self, other drivers, pedestrians, and the Association’s property. It is extremely important that all property owners and residents respect and follow the rules of the Association. Additionally, when accessing the Adams Resident side gate, please do not follow other drivers. Please wait for the gate arm to release. The gate arm is there to prevent multiple vehicle to enter passed the gate for the privacy of the community. Following too closely to other vehicles may cause to the gate arm drop. The Association is not responsible for damage to a vehicle owner’s vehicle and the vehicle owner may be held responsible for damages to Association property as a result. If your property is a rental, it is strongly recommended that you communicate the importance of these rules to your tenants. Additionally, we would like to remind everyone that all deliveries and visitors/guests should be directed to access the community through the Beach gate between the hours of 8:00 P.M. and 8:00 A.M. Monday – Friday, and all day Saturday/Sunday.